Clinics and Services




image of a baby being weighed

Antenatal Care

A full Ante-natal and Post-natal service is provided by the doctors in conjunction with the community midwives. A Post-natal invite to see the doctor will be sent to you when due. Midwife clinics are held at Chingford Health Centre (Tel: 020 8430 8010) on a weekly basis.    


Baby Clinic (Well Baby)

Well Baby Development checks for 6-8 week-old babies are offered at the practice. Where possible we try to book post natal checks for new mothers at the same time. 


Breast Screening

The NHS National Breast Screening Programme provides free screening for breast cancer for all women over the age of 50. If you're between 50 and 70 you should be routinely invited for a mammogram. Women over 70 are encouraged to make their own appointments.            


Cervical Smears

We operate our own recall system to invite all ladies for smear tests in conjunction with the NHS England Shared Business Services. Tests can be carried out during Surgery by either a Doctor or Nurse.

breast screening image

 It is recommended that cervical smear tests are carried out as follows:

  • Between the ages of 25 and 49 years – every three years
  • Between the ages of 50 and 64 years – every five years

When booking an appointment, please tell the receptionist you are attending for a smear test.



child immunisations

Child Health Clinics

All families with children under five have a health visitor. The health visitors run child health clinics and group health education classes. They offer support and advice on child development, managing difficult behaviour and general parenting skills. Baby clinics are currently held at Chingford Health Centre (Tel: 020 8430 8010).


Child Vaccinations

Vaccination is vital. It provides life-long protection against serious infectious diseases, (some potentially fatal). Your children will be sent appointments to attend sessions at the Surgery when they are due.

If you cannot attend, or miss a session please make another appointment with the Practice Nurse at a more convenient time. Please ensure you remember to bring your child’s Red Book when you attend for immunisation appointments.


Chlamydia Testing

Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed Sexually Transmitted infection in men and women. Most of the people who have this infection will have no symptoms. If you or your sexual partner remain untreated it can cause infertility.

For further information please click here.


Contraceptive Services & Family Planning Clinic

A full range of contraceptive services are provided by the Practice. You may be asked to make an appointment to see one of the Practice Nurses prior to us issuing a repeat prescription. Patients should telephone to speak to one of the doctors if emergency contraception is needed.         


Flu & Pneumococcal Vaccination

These vaccinations are recommended for patients over the age of 65, as well as patients suffering from with heart, lung, liver or kidney diseases, diabetes or residents of nursing homes. Please contact the surgery at the beginning of October for further details. 


Health Promotion

Prevention is better than cure. We take every opportunity to check on our patients’ health and offer advice on healthy living. We also offer a full range of special health promotion clinics by appointment with our practice nurse.        


Heart Disease Clinic

Planned management of risk factors in heart disease is carried out including checking blood pressure and cholesterol screening, as appropriate, as well as advice on smoking and exercise.    

blood pressure


Smoking Cessation

Please  contact the Waltham Forest Stop Smoking Service on Tel: 020 7882 8230 or visit Quit Right.